Early Childhood Screenings
The buttons below link you to one of the following: in-person 0-3 screenings held at different locations throughout the community, a button that will take you to an online developmental screener in English, and a button that will take you to an online developmental screener in Spanish. The online screeners will only screen for development and not hearing and vision.
The in-person screenings will provide an opportunity for your child to have a screening for their hearing, vision, and overall development. The developmental screener, the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, reviews the following areas of development:
Communication: Your child’s language skills, both what your child understands and what he or she can say.
Gross Motor: How your child uses their arms and legs and other large muscles for sitting, crawling, walking, running, and other activities.
Fine Motor: Your child’s hand and finger movement and coordination.
Problem Solving: How your child plays with toys and solves problems.
Personal-Social: Your child’s self-help skills and interactions with others.
Screening young children is an effective, efficient way for professionals to check a child’s development, help parents celebrate their child’s milestones and know what to look for next, and determine whether follow-up steps are needed. It’s also an essential first step toward identifying children who may need additional supports and services in the critical early years, before they start school. If you would like to receive more information, please contact a representative from the Regional Office of Education’s Early Childhood Department at (309)736-1111.
Child and Family Connections is an early intervention program that serves infants and children ages 0-3 who have or are at risk of developmental delays. If there are questions or concerns regarding your child’s development, you may be referred to Early Intervention. There are a number of resources for families located here.